Get Stronger & Leaner

(at a place where no one will start convincing you that all you would ever need is a protein shake 🥤 or a detox diet🍽)

What do You want?

You would like to be the master of your body? You want to know: what your body can do, before it becomes useless. You want to spin some pedals, but you don’t want a car to hit you. You know your FTP, but you would like a new KOM. You want to relax a bit, but you would like a chitchat, also. You like to eat white bread, but you don’t know why.

Programs with the appropriate number of like-minded people:

  • Full Body System®

  • Spinning®

In order to start our other programs we would like to see you tête-à-tête, first.

  • Personal Training

  • Sport recovery and massage

  • Body composition and sport nutrition

Our training method


“You can’t wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.”

— Navajo.


Every month you will receive the 3 most important things in the world. At the end we are even thinking of telling you the secret of life.

Write your email address in the rectangle below.

Our photos with your ❤️